Little Tail Bronx Timeline

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The majority of Little Tail Bronx's history was established during the release of Solatorobo, where CyberConnect2 provided a comprehensive timeline of the world's biggest events. More history was written in Fuga to fill the gap between the Reset and Hundred Lilies War.

Below is a rundown of Little Tail Bronx's complete timeline with the current present time being where post-Solatorobo events take place.

Note: This page will use a calendar with the "Reset" command as "Year 0", due to there being no canon Little Tail Bronx material with a similarly defined calendar, and for the sake of easier reading. Terms used will denote years as being a certain amount of time before and after the Reset command, "BRC" and "ARC" respectively. Please avoid using these terms in articles. Additionally, asterisked events are those under suspicion of being retconned throughout the Fuga trilogy.


The Old World - Earth (Before the Reset)

The Discovery of Juno (around 40 - 10 BRC)

  • Roughly 40 BRC (roughly 1970 - 1980 AD):
    • Juno, a form of "Hyper Information Convergence", is first discovered on Earth by a team headed by American folklorist Thomas Hendricks researching Ayers Rock in Australia. This first Juno is an "Ace Class". The Australian government soon takes over this research, before information about it spreads to other parts of the world, resulting in four other Aces being found in America, Brazil, Russia and Tanzania-- the last of which Germany claims ownership of.
    • The XII Owls are organized by the Australian government for the purpose of researching Juno at the Futzu Tower. Australia's Juno develops a personality AI known as Yurlungur in order to directly interact with humans.
    • The four other Juno "Aces" are replicated, resulting in the creation of sixteen "Arts" and thirty-two "Numbers", which are distributed around the world. One of these Arts is Tartaros, which France takes ownership of.
    • Crystals are reverse-engineered from Juno as a new energy source with minimal drawbacks. As a result, fossil fuels and nuclear energy become obsolete, leaving many economies dependent on it worldwide to collapse, unable to catch up with these rapid developments.

The World War (around 10 - 0 BRC)

  • Roughly 10 - 0 BRC (around 1990 - 2010 AD):
    • Tensions worsen as a result of the stark global inequality caused by Juno, and conflicts begin to break out worldwide. The Titano-Machina are created from Juno as weapons, and leave mass devastation in their wake.
    • A specific group of scientists in France begin to rebel against Juno being used as massive war weapons, and create "pseudo-Juno" to retaliate. Jeanne is an AI reverse-engineered from Juno, and the Taranis is created from the same Nanometal as the Titano-Machina. The Soul Cannon is created as, per Jeanne's research, pure Bio-Energy is the only thing the Taranis could use to pierce Titano-Machina defenses.
    • A test of the Soul Cannon is secretly carried out in the wastelands. Some vague news about it reaches Germany, with France refusing to give details on the weapon.
    • The international community condemns France for developing this unknown weapon, demanding the nation relinquish its Juno. After France refuses, Germany dispatches the Vanargand, their own Titano-Machina, to Paris to end the French researchers' heresy. After France's own Titano-Machina, Lares and Lemures, are forced to retreat after failing to intercept it, the Taranis successfully blasts a hole through the Vanargand, dislocating its core and leaving it to collapse.
    • The Vanargand's core is retrieved, sealed and secured to prevent it from being reactivated. The Taranis is revered by France as a symbol of humanity's liberation from Juno.

The Reset (0 RC)

  • 0 RC:
    • Baion is cryogenically frozen for the purpose of activating CODA later.
    • The XII Owls activate the "Reset". All living beings are physically wiped out from existence and their data is stored into the Juno. All Titano-Machina are sealed away into the ground, including the Taranis.
    • Due to the sudden shutdown, Jeanne splits into two personalities, with her calculating and vengeful half becoming "Black Jeanne".
    • With the exception of the area around the Futzu Tower, huge chunks of the Earth's land are hurled into the sky, becoming sky islands. A layer of plasma clouds conceals the planet below.
    • The Juno use their data to create new flora and fauna (e.g. giu, moosheep and large insects), eventually resulting in a new humanity with the Caninu and Felineko.
    • All Juno, with the exception of the Australian Ace, take on abstract forms and disappear into separate dimensions, waiting for CODA to be activated.

The New World - Little Tail Bronx (After the Reset)

Pre-Fuga: Melodies of Steel era (0 - 3988 ARC)

  • Unknown time period:
    • The Leo Tribe and Wolf Tribe are established, and the former uses the Statues of the Upside-Down Wolf to inhibit the latter's powers in what would be known as Mau.
    • "Black Jeanne" learns to communicate through radios, and begins to spread the "Legend of the Lost God" to the people of Berman, with it becoming a beloved fairy tale among them.
  • 3958 ARC: Shvein Hax is born. Throughout his childhood, he becomes fascinated by the "Legend of the Lost God" told to him by his grandmother.
  • 3967 ARC: Doktor Blutwurst is born. He grows up under a Caninu father from a prestigious lineage and a Felineko mother from a family of ill-regard, leading him to gain a hatred towards his own race.

Fuga: Melodies of Steel era (beginning 3988 ARC)

  • Sometime before 3995 ARC: "Black Jeanne" confirms to Shvein Hax that the "Lost God" is real, and tells him everything he needs to know about its existence: its location in Gasco, the method needed to reawaken it, the "weapon that would become its vessel", and its true name -- the Vanargand.
  • 3995 ARC:
    • Frita Strudel is born to Spritz Strudel and his wife Linza Strudel.
    • The Berman Empire begins its plans to invade the Free Lands of Gasco. Spritz Strudel is sent there as a spy to investigate weak points in the country.
  • 3996 ARC: Mei Marzipan is born. Some time after her birth, the Marzipan siblings' parents die of illness, leaving them to live with their grandparents. Malt begins working on his grandparents' farm as a moosheep herder.
  • Roughly 3996 - 3998 ARC:
    • After experiencing the freedom and equality of Gasco, Spritz Strudel has a change of heart and betrays the Berman Empire by leaking their invasion plans to a leading Gasco official.
    • Spritz is executed by the Berman Empire for treason, and his surviving family is shunned and mistreated. Britz Strudel is eventually conscripted into the Berman Army as a child soldier to keep his family safe.
  • 3998 ARC:
  • Prior to or during 4000 ARC: Shvein Hax orders the Berman Army to construct the Tarascus, a giant tank designed after the Taranis and intended to use the Vanargand's core as its power source.

The Gasco Invasion - Fuga: Melodies of Steel (4000 ARC)

  • 4000 ARC: The events of Fuga: Melodies of Steel occur. The Berman Empire executes the Gasco Invasion:
    • All parts of the Free Lands of Gasco are successfully invaded by the Berman Army, with the exception of the capital of Paresia due to the Gasco Army gathering their defenses there.
    • Possibly thousands of Caninu and Felineko citizens across Gasco are kidnapped and enslaved by the Berman Army, and subjected to forced labor in prisoner camps. A frontline camp is set up in the province of Dale, the factories of the Shetland mining area are taken over and repurposed to produce weapons for the Berman Army, and a camp in the volcanic region of Lhassa Apso is established for the purpose of mining out the Vanargand's heart. Villages such as Tosa and Mudi are left completely abandoned.
    • A prisoner camp is set up in Mau for the purpose of Doktor Blutwurst's sadistic experiments, with Britz Strudel being stationed there. The spell-casting Felinekos in Mau, including Sheena Falafel and her family, are taken to this camp to be drained of their Bio-Energy to power batteries for re-fueling the Vanargand's heart, with some dying in the process. Sheena's father is killed for his resistance towards the Berman invaders. Upon learning that Sheena is next to be experimented upon, Britz betrays the Berman Army like his father did before him, and both escape the camp, being separated along the way.
    • One night, a Berman garrison led by Colonel Pretzel invades the village of Petit Mona and captures its inhabitants. Communicating through a radio, "Black Jeanne" leads the six children of Malt Marzipan, Hanna Fondant, Kyle Bavarois, Boron Brioche, Socks Million and Mei Marzipan to the cave where the Taranis rests. The children reactivate the Taranis, and defeat the Berman forces throughout the surrounding Terre-Neuve Forest, and defeat Colonel Pretzel and his Sigurd tank, accidentally killing the Berman officer in the process.
    • The Berman officer stationed at the mining factory in Shetland, Flam Kish, learns of her father's death at the hands of the Taranis. In a grief-induced rage, she has an uncooperative factory worker executed, prompting the worker's son Jin Macchiato to escape and take revenge.
    • Jeanne's other more protective half, a "Girl of Light" or "White Jeanne", reawakens in response to the Taranis once again having a crew, attempting to dissuade them from fighting. The Taranis soon makes its way to Tosa to stop for supplies and help, but leaves once again when the children learn the village has been abandoned. Chick and Hack Montblanc stow away on the Taranis, and join the crew once discovered. The two generals in charge of the province of Dale and its frontline Berman camp, Von Stollen and Von Baum, face off against the Taranis in their Tillzer and Grobain tanks, but are defeated and run away after being forced to direct the children towards Shetland.
    • The Gasco Army forces, led by General Merlot and Lieutenant Muscat, soon learn that an unknown third party has been taking out all the Berman forces in the region of Dale, and proceed to follow the mysterious tank's path while reclaiming their lost territory.
    • En route to Shetland, the Taranis and its crew travel through the province of Viszla, and recruit Sheena just as the Berman Army catches up with her. Upon their arrival in Shetland, Jin briefly mistakes the Taranis for a Berman tank and attacks it with a commandeered Gasco tank, but relents and joins the crew once the truth has cleared up. The Taranis soon does battle with Flam Kish and her Swanhild tank, and Flam Kish escapes after the children plead Jin to spare her.
    • The Taranis crew learn from the liberated Shetland workers that their ultimate destination is the prison camp in Lhassa Apso, and soon recruit Wappa Charlotte from Spino Lake's surroundings after accidentally destroying her treehouse. Later, they travel to Mau and agree to allow Britz on board the tank, before catching up to Doktor Blutwurst and fighting him in his Gretchen tank, ending the mad scientist and his cruel experiments. After freeing the prisoners in Mau, the children continue their journey to Lhassa Apso.
    • After the Taranis and its crew have passed through Saluki and traveled through the Mastiff Central area on their way to Lhassa Apso, they battle a vengeful Flam Kish commanding a rebuilt Swanhild. Flam loses, and as she attempts to fight the Taranis with nothing left but a regular gun, her tank's wreckage explodes, engulfing her in its flames and killing her.
    • Sometime after Blurwurst's death, Shvein Hax uses the bio-energy batteries collected by him to refuel the Vanargand's core, which has been mined out and integrated into the Tarascus as a power source.
    • The Taranis soon reaches Lhassa Apso, and following a battle with some Berman forces, the crew finds a coded Berman letter among the debris. Britz reads it and learns that it is an order for him to return to active Berman service or else risk the safety of his mother and sister. Conflicted, Britz refuses to inform the crew about the letter's contents, promptly tearing it up.
    • The children soon reach the Berman camp in Lhassa Apso and come into contact with the Tarascus. The Berman tank's power source, the Vanargand's heart, reawakens in response to the vengeance harbored by "Black Jeanne". Due to being in close contact with the Vanargand's heart, "Black Jeanne" begins to malfunction and crash, and "White Jeanne" orders the Taranis to take a defensive stance. As a way to "test" the new tank, Hax pilots the Tarascus and does battle with the Taranis, with the latter tank left unable to render any damage to the former. Reinforcements from the Gasco Army arrive to back up the Taranis, but Hax obliterates them with the Managarm. The Taranis survives the blast due to its shielding, and Hax challenges the children to meet him in Paresia, the Gasco capital where the Vanargand's body resides.
    • Britz quietly leaves the Taranis crew, and the next morning, the children enter the prison camp, and Malt, Hanna, Kyle, Boron, Socks, Mei, Chick, Hack and Wappa reunite with their captured loved ones. The children also meet Britz's mother and sister, and inform them of how Britz fought alongside them. However, "Black Jeanne" informs the children that they still need to travel to Paresia and defeat Hax before the Vanargand destroys Gasco, and the children thus return to the Taranis. Britz, meanwhile, boards the Tarascus and tells Hax that he pledges his allegiance to the Berman Empire.
    • After traveling through the underground shortcut of Malamute, the Taranis crew meet Britz in a Berman tank known as the Werther, and very reluctantly do battle with him. Afterwards, Britz reveals the reason for his betrayal, and the children quickly inform him that his family is safe, leaving him ashamed of his actions. Britz is forgiven by the crew, however, and rejoins them with gratitude.
    • As the children reach the outskirts of Paresia, "Black Jeanne" reveals her identity to the children, as well as her desire to fight the Vanargand at full strength. Hax and the Tarascus obliterate everything in their path on the way to Paresia, leaving the Gasco Army with no choice but to evacuate the city.
    • Soon, Hax infiltrates the Vanargand, restores its heart to it in the form of the Tarascus, and reawakens the behemoth Titano-Machina from its millenia-long slumber, becoming one with it. The shockwave that comes as a result of this causes "Black Jeanne" to malfunction and crash once again, before she fuses with "White Jeanne" back into their complete form.
    • The Vanargand stands, lifting up the ground and carrying Paresia on its back. With help from the true, unified Jeanne, the Taranis crew intercepts it and climbs up its leg all the way to the capital. The Vanargand then fires a beam of energy across the Gasco continent, causing the land to fracture and break apart into an archipelago. As the Gasco Army holds back the monster, the Taranis falls into the Vanargand through the wound the Soul Cannon inflicted on it in their last battle, and soon find the "Cor Tarascus" and Shvein Hax with it.
    • The Taranis crew wins its battle against the Cor Tarascus, leading a crazed Shvein Hax to activate the Vanargand to destroy all of Gasco out of frustration. With no time left, Jeanne prepares to inform the kids that the Soul Cannon is their only viable option, but relents when the children express that they are still motivated to fight on together. Jeanne then tries checking the Taranis for any alternative, sensing a helmeted figure, and soon realizes that the Taranis is using its own life force to fuel the Soul Cannon, spurred on by the children's resolve. The twelve children and the Taranis use the Soul Cannon to obliterate Shvein Hax and pierce the Vanargand into pieces, finally saving Gasco and putting an end to the war.
    • The children and the Taranis exit the Vanargand and wave to the Gasco Army to pick them up. With the Taranis' energy extinguished, Jeanne smiles affectionately at the children one last time before fading away, her long-awaited wish fulfilled.
    • With Hax's defeat, the Berman Empire withdraws from Gasco, and the two nations later sign an armistice that allows Gasco to access Berman airship technology.
    • All the children return to living peaceful lives, with Britz staying with his mother Linza and sister Frita in Gasco.
    • The Taranis is returned to the cave the children found it in.

Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 (4001 ARC)

  • Roughly 4001 ARC: The events of Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 occur. Several of the twelve children who previously saved Gasco are kidnapped and trapped within the Taranis by an unknown force, as the Taranis itself goes on a destructive rampage. Malt and the remaining children, with the backing of the Gasco Army and First Daughter Vanilla Muscat, reactivate and commandeer the Tarascus to save their friends.

Post-Fuga: Melodies of Steel era (ending 4389 ARC)

  • Sometime between 4000 - 4389 ARC:
    • Gasco is renamed to Shepherd in honor of Malt Marzipan, the young moosheep herder who saved the world alongside his friends.
    • A royal family is established in Shepherd, rechristening it to the Kingdom of Shepherd.

The Hundred Lilies War era (4389 - 4489 ARC)

Beginning of the Hundred Lilies War (4389 ARC)

  • 4389 ARC: The Hundred Lilies War begins. The Leo Tribe, an ancient and barbaric Felineko tribe, forcibly expands the Abyssina Empire.

Birth of the Robo (4469 ARC)*

  • 4469 ARC:
    • The Wolf Tribe begins to emerge.
    • The Wolf Tribe seeks out to help the oppressed Caninu race by finding ways to ward off the Leo Tribe.
    • After the Wolf Tribe create a contract with Yulungur, their lives are exchanged for the Robo, thus making the wolf species nearly extinct.
    • Both the Leo Tribe and Caninu race face off, beginning the Battle of Mulberry.

Ending of the Hundred Lilies War (4489 ARC)

  • 4489 ARC:
    • The Lilies War ends with the Leo Tribe being wiped out due to the Caninu utilizing the newly discovered Robos as war weapons.
    • The Abyssina Empire is successfully defeated and disappears.

The post-Hundred Lilies War era (4489 - 4852 ARC)

Baion's Revival (4650 ARC)

  • 4650 ARC:
    • A mysterious sky island appears in northern Shepherd, prompting a group of miners to investigate and excavate a sleeping Baion.
    • Baion awakens in an irregular state, not knowing his purpose/order.

Ragdoll's Destruction (4700 ARC)

  • 4700 ARC:
    • Baion, after learning of and witnessing the constant wars and misery in this world, such as how the continent of Gasco was shattered, becomes increasingly more cynical.
    • The events of "Ragdoll Elegy" occur:
      • Baion, following his instincts, arrives at Ragdoll.
      • Baion makes contact with the Robo Berius and recalls his purpose - activating CODA.
      • Béluga Damiens' older sister, Terina, is chosen to be sacrificed to the Rite of Forfeit.
      • Béluga is inherited the medallion to seal Lares, physically stunting him at 18 years old.
      • Terina's life is abruptly cut short as Lares' seal begins breaking prematurely, causing Béluga to perform the ritual.
      • Baion sets all of Ragdoll aflame.
      • Béluga fights against Baion with the Salamander//009, yet he fails and earns an X-shape scar across his face.
      • Elh Melizée is inherited the medallion that seals Lemures, resulting her in becoming physically stunted at 14 years old.

Modern history (4852 - 4958 ARC)

War of Independence (4852 - 4856 ARC)

  • 4852 ARC: The War of Independence begins.
    • Felinekos living in former Abyssinan territories start a revolution against the highly oppressive Shepherd occupants.
  • 4856 ARC: The War of Independence ends.
    • The revolutionary Felinekos manage to reclaim their territory and declare it as the Federation of Abyssina.

The Shepherd Revolution (4870 - 4873 ARC)

  • 4870 ARC: The Shepherd Revolution begins.
    • The Kingdom of Shepherd's royalty begins to falter.
    • Felineko revolutionaries are inspiring a resistance movement.
  • 4873 ARC: The Shepherd Revolution ends.
    • Shepherd's royalty is ultimately overthrown.
    • The Kingdom of Shepherd is renamed to the Shepherd Republic.

The First Incantation War (4876 - 4879 ARC)

  • 4876 ARC: The First Incantation War begins.
    • Abyssina rallies its people into war with a disarrayed Shepherd, invading numerous areas.
    • Darian Balas loses his position as Shepherd's leader after offering Abyssina land as a means of ending the conflict.
    • A commanding officer named Nable Preutz manages to make Abyssina temporarily retreat, a victory that inspired Shepherd's people to enlist into the military.
  • 4879 ARC: The First Incantation War ends.
    • After being put into another retreat by Nable, the Abyssinans turn on their government.
    • A new prime minister is chosen and makes peace with the Shepherd Republic.
    • Shepherd is given compensation and ownership of the island of Millefe.
    • Nable is lauded as a hero and becomes Shepherd's head of state as "Nable I".

The Second Incantation War (4944 - 4958 ARC)

  • 4944 ARC: The Second Incantation War begins.
    • The Felinekos of Millefe's tolerance reaches a boiling point after decades of severe mistreatment and the slaughter of a young boy.
    • The Felinekos' violent revolt results in a destroyed Shepherd military base and the destruction of multiple Caninu homes & businesses.
    • Abyssina attempts to invade Shepherd.
    • Nable IV is killed in action.
    • Due to multiple casualties and a weak army, Abyssina begins conscripting its civilians to the front lines.
  • 4958 ARC: The Second Incantation War ends.
    • Pyrenees Hugo is placed as Shepherd's new commander-in-chief.
    • Shepherd narrowly wins the war.
    • Both Abyssina and Shepherd begin work on diplomatic relations, with the countries downsizing their militaries and focusing on inward politics.
    • Hunters begin to appear.

Tail Concerto and Solatorobo era (4958 ARC onwards)

  • 4989 ARC: Hybrid production begins.
    • Merveille Million and Baion begin creating Hybrids. Hundreds are made throughout a single year, which includes both failures and successful specimens.
    • The events of "Bitter Rain" occur:
      • Cacao is killed by Nero.
      • Québec is shot in both his right eye and leg by Nero.
    • The Hunter Federation is established.
  • 4991 ARC:
    • Red Savarin escapes from the Hybrid Facility with Merveille's assistance.
    • Red ends up in the same orphanage as Chocolat.
    • Rouge and Vermillion pursue Rose.
    • Rose manages to escape from the Hybrid Facility.
    • The events of "9071 Morning Sacrifice" occur:
      • 9071 escapes from the Hybrid Facility in a feeble state.
      • Elh sacrifices 9071 to the Rite of Forfeit.
  • 4993 ARC:
    • Carmine and Rose depart to Abyssina.
    • Carmine hands down his Asmodeus to Red and Chocolat.
  • 4996 ARC: Merveille joins the Kurvaz, and is gradually promoted from her technical advisor position to a higher position.
  • 4997 ARC:
    • Red becomes a Hunter.
    • Québec leaves the Kurvaz.

The Reawakening of the Iron Giant - Tail Concerto (around 4997 - 4999 ARC)

  • Around 4997 - 4999 ARC: The events of Tail Concerto are occur around this time frame.
    • Fool tricks Alicia and her sisters to begin collecting the crystals that awaken the Iron Giant.
    • The trouble caused by the Black Cats Gang prompts the Prairie police force to task Waffle to go after them.
    • Fool manages to rob Alicia of her pendant which ends up being the final crystal to awaken the Iron Giant.
    • Alicia enters the Iron Giant in an effort to retrieve her pendant.
    • Prairia suffers damage from the Iron Giant's attack.
    • Waffle enters the Iron Giant in order to save Alicia.
    • Waffle succeeds in deactivating the Iron Giant, saving Alicia and all of Prairie.
    • Fool survives and falls into Prairie's lowermost island.
    • The Pris sisters are reprimanded for their crimes.

The Reawakening of Tartaros - Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (4999 - 5000 ARC)

This section is still under construction

  • 4999 ARC: The events of Solatorobo: Red the Hunter occur.
    • Just before the game's story, the events of "Overture 'Movement 0'" take place.
    • Elh hops aboard the Hindenburg in order to retrieve her medallion stolen by the Kurvaz.
    • Earthquakes begin disrupting Shepherd.
    • Red & Chocolat take on a job to retrieve a stolen confidential file from the Hindenburg.
    • As he comes in contact with the medallion, Red becomes the next chosen sacrifice to the Rite of Forfeit.
    • Lares reawakens and begins the spread of Shades.
    • Red manages to save a knocked out Elh from the falling Hindenburg.

Currently Unchronicled Events

  • ???:
    • The self-proclaimed Maestro pits the children of Fuga through numerous timelines/simulations, some being skewed from the original timeline.


  • The amount of time that passed between the Reset and the events of Solatorobo: Red the Hunter has was originally stated to be 3,000 years in the Solatorobo: Red the Hunter Settings Archive Vol 2 -Daybreak art/guidebook. However, the Fuga: Melodies of Steel Little Tail Bronx Archives stated instead that Fuga was set 4,000 years in the future, retconning Solatorobo as happening 5,000 years after the Reset instead.
  • Solatorobo: Red the Hunter Settings Archive Vol 2 -Daybreak also stated the amount of time between Juno's discovery and the Reset was 50 years, but Solatorobo: Red the Hunter Settings Archive Vol 3 -Starlet similarly retconned this when discussing the events leading up to the Reset in depth. The discovery of the first Juno in Australia was said to be around 1972 AD, while World War III began in 2004 AD and led the world to destruction seemingly within just a few years, meaning that the Reset happened sometime between 33 - 40 years after Juno's discovery instead.