Spritz Strudel
Spritz Strudel is the father of Britz Strudel and was a spy for the Berman Empire. Despite never appearing in game, 3 parts of his journal can be read in Berman Reports.
Spritz is never seen in game, but is mentioned several times. It is assumed that he is a Dobberman Caninu like his family.
Spritz was a spy for the Berman Empire, and was formally tasked with infiltrating the Free Lands of Gasco 5 years before the invasion in order to gather intelligence about its people, their aramaments, and probe for potential weaknesses. A year after living in Gasco as part of his investigation, Spritz began to "go native".
Realizing that his mission would destroy the lives of many good natured and innocent people, he leaked the Berman Empire's coming invasion plans to the Gasco Army (possibly to General Merlot) which caused them to strengthen their defenses in Paresia. Despite his attempts to secretly warn the people of Gasco of Berman's invasion, Spritz's treachery would be discovered when he returned to the Empire, and he and his family would suffer the consequences.
Spritz would be summarily executed and his family name would be tarnished throughout the Empire as a family of traitors. Spritz's wife and daughter would eventually flee Berman to Gasco to avoid persecution, but his son, Britz Strudel, would be forced into the army as a child solider (where he would personally face harsh treatment from his superiors due to his father's betrayal of the Empire, leading to him reciving a scar on his forehead and him developing an inferiority complex.).