Emperor Leber Kaiser

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Emperor Leber Kaiser is the first emperor of the Berman Empire and the man who had made its army the powerhouse it is. He was originally teased in the first volume of Fuga's Little Tail Archives and mentioned briefly during Fuga 2's Empathy events. He is slated to be the first main antagonist of Fuga 3.



Physical Appearance

Leber Kaiser is a hulking Caninu of unknown breed. He wears elaborate Berman military attire with pieces of armor covering his left arm and both legs. Buttoned over his top are multiple medals and decorations, emphasizing his status as an emperor. A red cape is also draped over his shoulders to further convey this.


  • Fusion - Leber Kaiser is shown to fuse with a Berman airship, becoming monstrous and corrupted.


Mentioned briefly in the first and second game, the Kaiser is directly responsible for turning the Berman Empire into the current powerhouse that it is after seizing the throne 10 years before the Gasco-Berman war, reshaping the land of Berman into the Berman Empire.

Viewing the spell-casting capabilities of the Felineko as a potential threat, the Emperor begins a campaign of persecution against them. Many Felineko begin to flee Berman, are committed into forced labor camps, or are executed. Fanaticism within the Berman Empire rises dramatically as the empire becomes a facist state. His policies also promoted the idea of the doberman being the Supreme Caninu race, shunning Felineko and other Caninu breeds as being of lesser races.

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