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Colonel Pretzel is a key member of the Berman Empire and the first boss in Fuga: Melodies of Steel.


Pretzel was a Colonel of the Berman army with a very strict, militaristic nature. He was a man of morals who was more likely to put his life on the line for his homeland than for his own self-interest. Even though he had a compassionate side, he followed orders and cannot extend sympathy toward any enemy on the battlefield, not even children.

Pretzel was a thickly built Doberman Caninu whose honor was shown all throughout his design. Out of all the main Berman Empire members, he was the only one dressed in white, with the cloth tied around his arm being the only hint of red.


Fuga: Melodies of Steel

Before the Gasco War

Pretzel was a decorated war veteran of many battles before the Gasco War, but he also had a soft side, even adopting a young Flam Kish. However, he only acted upon this compassion outside of war, during which he followed orders to the letter. Shvein Hax was another one of his proteges and he became an excellent commander under his tutelage. However, when the Gasco campaign began and Hax was put in charge, Pretzel noted with hesitation that Hax seemed to be unusually driven, borderline fanatical even, in his domination of this particular country. As any good soldier, the Colonel only voiced these concerns to himself, committing them to pen and paper and nowhere else.

A Regretful Campaign

Pretzel was the one in charge in capturing Petit Mona and delivering its residents for transfer to Doktor Blutwurst's lab for experimentation. As he was in the dark as to the true nature of the campaign, he regretfully wondered exactly why they were ordered to siege a location with no strategic value, but again, he kept his word to himself. His reports make it clear that he's confused as to why Shvein Hax would put so much focus on seizing Petit Mona despite having no real tactical advantage, nor does he particularly take pleasure in attacking it, but has to follow through anyways out of loyalty for his country.

A Regretful End

Pretzel would face the gigantic Taranis in its first real battles. In the initial timeline, he easily overwhelms it, forcing the children to sacrifice one of their own to the Soul Cannon. Upon seeing its power, Pretzel calls the tank a demon before being atomized by the cannon. Shortly afterwards, the rest of his garrison finds the tank and, even without his leadership, destroy it and kill the children due to them losing their resolve at the death of their own.

In the alternate timeline, he can suffer the same fate or, by using their unknown experience, the children can take advantage of the weaknesses of Pretzel's tank to vanquish him without using the cannon. He trembles at the tank's horrifying power before he dies in an explosion. The victory initially brings relief to the children, until they realize for the first time that they have killed.

His death drives his adoptive daughter Flam to unquenchable rage, causing her to seek out the Taranis and destroy it to avenge her father.

Fury and Vengeance

Following her father's death, Flam Kish's behavior would be radically altered, filling her with a deep fury and thirst for vengeance that drives her to kill the children of the Taranis throughout the rest of the game. Pretzel's death would also cause Flam to angrily execute Jin Macchiato's father.

Shvein Hax would also receive a report on a supposed "Gasco Superweapon" that had killed the Colonel. This confirms to the General that the "Steel Devil" does exist, with Hax stating that Pretzel had played his part wonderfully in the grand scheme of things.


Pretzel's first fight is exceedingly simple due to the game forcing you to use the Soul Cannon to vaporize him. The following battle forces the player into an unwinnable battle afterward, as the children lose all motivation to fight and are killed by the Colonel's surviving supporting tank soldiers before a timeline reset occurs.

For the second fight, your first priority should be destroying the control tower and stripping armor from the main body. He will occasionally use powerful attacks you need to defend from, but they're telegraphed. Pretzel is a simple introduction to more of the game's mechanics, and a taste of boss battles to come.


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