Jelly Muscat

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Jelly Muscat is a character introduced in Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2. She is the wife of the president of the Free Lands of Gasco, Shayne Muscat and the mother of both Cannelle and Vanilla Muscat.

Physical appearance

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Due to Shayne's policies easily allowing the Berman Empire to invade Gasco, Cayenne Riesling's family would be captured and killed by Doktor Blutwurst in his prison camp experiments. Shayne's desire to forge peace with the Berman Empire conflicted with Cayenne's desire for revenge against his lost loved ones, resulting in Cayenne murdering the President of Gasco (along with Jelly) and secretly creating an illusion of him.

Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2

Jelly appears briefly during a flashback along with her family, but is not seen otherwise. She is mentioned many times by Vanilla in her grief.



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