Female Engineer

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File:Female Engineer.jpg
No image is available for this character
Age Deceased (age at death unknown)
Gender Female
Species Human
Height ?
Residence Crusade
Voice Actor Mirei Kumagai

The Female Engineer was an Old World human engineer that was a part of the Crusade that worked to help create Jihl, the Hybrids, the Taranis, and the Belenos. Her name is unknown, but she is also referred to as "Mama" by Jihl.



Physical Appearance

She is never fully seen in game since she perished long ago, but a recording depicts her as a women that wore a headset that looks remarkably like a pair of cat ears. She also wore glasses, a helmet, a necklace, and white lab coat. Her hair was long and blonde.


  • Exceptional Intelligence- She is responsible for accelerating the Hybrid project, as well as the Taranis and Soul Cannon projects.


"Mama" was a human engineer and a part of the Crusade project, she was involved in creating the children hybrids needed to power the Crusade-made superweapons. Per the Crusade Archives, she was also the physical template for and original creator of Jeanne.

She loved all the hybrids that were under her care within the Crusade project like her own children - which constantly gnawed at her conscience as she had to put them through lethal experiments.


In her attempt to protect Jihl, she sedated him and hid him within the Taranis to stop Crusade from using him as fodder for the Soul Cannon. Unfortunately, when Jihl awoke and realized that he had been sealed within the Taranis for millennia, he assumed that his Mama betrayed him and trapped him there to be permanently used as Soul Cannon fodder, leading to him beginning his rampage throughout Gasco.



  • She is apparently the only Old World human to appear in any Little Tail Bronx game, albeit as a recording.

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