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Files (divided into the Gasco Reports and Crusade Archives) are texts in Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 unlocked by playing through the game, akin to the Berman Reports and Jeanne Archives.
The Gasco Reports discuss the history and politics of the Free Lands of Gasco, and are mostly written from the perspective of those involved with said politics. The Crusade Archives instead discuss the history of both the organization of Crusade along with what it created, written from the perspective of those connected to it.
Gasco Reports
The History of Gasco - 1
- Author: N/A
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 1.
- "Gasco" is not the name of a nation, but of a collection of autonomous regions on the continent that have elected to unite under a single system. Decades before the fragmentation of the continent, these regions often clashed and fought among themselves. Tired of such friction, the leaders came together to establish new laws. Laws which forbade the use of force and outlawed the possession of weapons of war.
- No strict penalties were placed on economic and cultural activities, and this new ruling was hailed as the Declaration of Freedom throughout all of Gasco. One exception was made for the army of Paresia, which went on to act as police force for Gasco as a whole.
The History of Gasco - 2
- Author: N/A
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 2.
- Paresia was the most prosperous city at the time of the Declaration of Freedom, and was enclosed within a circular wall to defend itself from outside threats in times when such conflicts were more common throughout Gasco. It grew into a major economic hub and acted as a de facto capital, regularly hosting meetings of regional representatives.
- Even among these representatives, the head of Gasco held significant influence, and their seat went on to be one of the most important in Gasco politics. Before long the title of "President" was bestowed upon this position, one which was determined by elections among the populace of Paresia.
The History of Gasco - 3
- Author: N/A
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 3.
- After the fall of Paresia, the representatives of Gasco debated who should next take lead, and it was not long before Pharaoh, the second largest city after Paresia, and one spared much of the destruction faced in other regions, was nominated.
- The presidency was left in the hands of Paresian president Muscat to stave off any political unrest which might brew in a power vacuum. In order to bring a swift end to the turmoil of the fragmentation, President Muscat worked to promptly negotiate a ceasefire with the Berman Empire and focus all efforts of Gasco's restoration.
Shayne's Journal - 1
- Author: Shayne Muscat
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 4.
- During my studies of the political sciences at university I made acquaintance with the most jovial of older students. This man, Merlot, had sought to attend the Officer's Academy upon graduation, but found such a path closed to him when forced to repeat a year of school. Tremendously good-humored, he did not let such weigh down upon him whatsoever, and instead greatly aided younger students like myself.
- When rumors of a brilliant new transfer student reached our ears, Merlot and myself raced to introduce ourselves. This young man, Cayenne was his name, kept to himself and his books in a manner which precluded most social interaction, but Merlot was never one inhibited by such and called upon him just the same. Thus began our trio of friendship.
Shayne's Journal - 2
- Author: Shayne Muscat
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 5.
- This year, as I entered my third decade of life, I was blessed with a daughter, Cannelle. She has her mother's stoic face. Though Merlot is busy proving his worth within the Gasco army and Cayenne is occupied by his duty to his students, both kindly made time to join me in celebration.
- Cayenne revealed to me that day that he and the woman he had been seeing were engaged to be wed. She was a mysterious sort, and one who seemed just right beside him.
- Myself, I have been engaged with the politics of Gasco now for several years. The three of us spoke wildly of the future we hoped to lead Gasco towards. It was a night I am certain none of us shall ever forget.
Shayne's Journal - 3
- Author: Shayne Muscat
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 6.
- With Vanilla now six years of age I have called upon Cayenne to tutor her just as he had Cannelle. He tells me that unlike Cannelle, who was both talented and determined, Vanilla showed signs of anxiety and emotional outburst.
- I was aware of as much of course, as any good father would be, but I pleaded with Cayenne to offer her guidance nevertheless. He promised to focus on her education to a greater degree than he even had with Cannelle. The man is the most dependable of teachers, and a truly irreplaceable friend.
Shayne's Journal - 4
- Author: Shayne Muscat
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 7.
- The Berman Empire has at long last made its move on Gasco.
- Years ago a defector from among their ranks informed us of the Empire's plans, and Merlot and I had worked to secure our defenses. However, our foes struck with more might than we imagined, and our defenses seemed hardly enough to hold against their blitzkrieg airship tactics. It was vexing to watch our forces barely suffice to protect Paresia, never mind the furthest expanses of Gasco as a whole.
- I am informed that many residents of the Province of Mau have been taken away. Cayenne's family resides in that province, and have been unreachable for some time, now. He has been thrown into dismay the like of which I have never seen before. It pains me to see him so.
Merlot's Journal
- Author: General Merlot
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 8.
- A massive, unidentified tank launched an attack on the Bermans and freed those held captive at a prison camp in Mau. Unfortunately, during a search of the premises we discovered that Cayenne's parents, wife and son had all lost their lives there. When given the news, Cayenne fell to his knees and cowered. He howled in a manner I have heard from no man before, his eyes flooding his face with tears.
- The sight of him was so tragic it brought those around him to tears as well. What good am I if I cannot even save the family of my dearest friend? Forgive me, Cayenne…
Cayenne's Journal - 1
- Author: Cayenne Riesling
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 9.
- With the help of the giant tank Taranis, Gasco managed to push back the Berman Imperial Army and their Vanargand tank which caused such destruction throughout our lands. It seemed we would at last avenge the deaths of my family. By regrouping our forces and utilizing the Taranis I was certain we could make the Bermans pay for their wicked crimes.
- But Shayne chose not to. Gasco is too weakened to strike, he said. Restoration of our lands should come first, he said.
- There is truth in as much, certainly. But every moment we spend recuperating, so too does the Berman Empire as they bide their time for yet another invasion!
Cayenne's Journal - 2
- Author: Cayenne Riesling
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 10.
- Shayne, his wife Jelly, and daughter Vanilla intend to observe Gasco's reconstruction. I, too, intend to join as a representative for all those who lost loved ones in the war. Surely my calling as a teacher is to inform Vanilla of the pain of such tremendous loss. (…)
- While alone in a car with the Muscat family, I used spells to put them to sleep and to destroy all the other cars traveling with us. By causing the cliff face to collapse I made it all look like some freak accident. What's more, I stole the clothes off Shayne and hypnotized Vanilla into believing her father had rescued her from the crash. Shayne's death will be written off as if it were my own.
- Farewell, old friend. You and Jelly can now watch from above as I at last get my revenge.
Cayenne's Journal - 3
- Author: Cayenne Riesling
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 12 — hence, the report following this one is unlocked first.
- Just as I was about to call for examinations into how we might use the Taranis as a key point in our attack on the Berman Empire, I was contacted by a mysterious man via a transmission meant only to be used by me, the president.
- He told me of a boy named Jihl who slumbered aboard the Taranis and of a weapon called the Belenos which was meant for him. Said that if we restore the Belenos we can both recover and gain control of the Vanargand.
- I quickly scrapped all my former plans and turned my attention to the restoration of this Belenos. Now our invasion of the Berman Empire would be at the hands of the Vanargand.
Cayenne's Journal - 4
- Author: Cayenne Riesling
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 11.
- After the "accident" I used magic to disguise my own face as Shayne's. Just to be safe, I wrapped my head in bandages, for the presumed burns, as well. This caused most people to instinctively avert their eyes to begin with.
- Now all that's left is to use this supposed slumbering Jihl to bring the Belenos to its full potential and restore the Vanargand. This is how we will punish those Bermans for ever daring to invade our lands, and how I will give a wake-up call to Gasco, which refused me my revenge.
Cayenne's Journal - 5
- Author: Cayenne Riesling
- This report is obtained after first completing Chapter 12.
- The heroes of the war, the children of the Taranis, now stand in the way of my revenge. I expected some obstacles, but never such fierce resistance as this. I never could have foreseen Vanilla joining their ranks and fighting alongside them aboard the Tarascus… But perhaps I should have. Maybe I taught her to be this way. She was an emotional, difficult-to-handle student, but was never one to lack motivation once she was set on doing something.
- It seems ages ago now that I used to encourage her to use that strength of hers. It pains me to have to end her young life now, but surely she will be reunited with her father and mother in heaven.
- Forgive me, Vanilla… You were a great student to me.
Crusade Archives
Crusade Report - 1
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 1 on a New Game+ file.
- Crusade is an organization formed to free humanity from its dependence on the higher-dimensional information entities known as Juno in order to prevent the collapse of society as a whole. It views the domination by Juno-produced weapons, the Titano-Machina, as a clear and present threat, and works to research and develops methods of resistance to them.
- Though its efforts focus on counteracting Juno, the organization is not against the use of technology with Juno origins. It utilizes that which it can and works proactively to find ways in which to recreate and replace said technology with human engineering.
- Crusade's goal is to close the tech gap between nations which possess Juno and those which do not.
Crusade Report - 2
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 2 on a New Game+ file.
- One day an engineer, a woman who was quite frankly a true genius, joined Crusade.
- While most of humanity had come to accept that they could not comprehend the advanced data provided by Juno, but accepted its use as a tool to bring new advancements into their lives, this woman was different. She not only understood the data it provided, but possessed phenomenal skill in coordinating the conversion of it using available technology or that which could soon be developed. She even managed to recreate technology much like the AI-like avatars Juno utilized in order to communicate with humanity.
- Creating an avatar in her own image, she named this new AI Jeanne.
Crusade Report - 3
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 3 on a New Game+ file.
- The world was overrun with Titano-Machina, massive weapons of war produced by Juno. Power lay firmly in the hands of nations with Titano-Machina of their own, and those without Juno were left to either ally with such nations or pray they might be spared.
- The battlefields Titano-Machina were deployed to were like hell on earth. Lands were laid to waste and doomed to never see restoration again. In response to this, a plan was devised to develop a weapon which could destroy the Titano-Machina and revitalize the dying planet.
- And thus two machines were born: the Taranis to destroy the Titano-Machina, and the Belenos to bring life back to the earth.
Crusade Report - 4
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 4 on a New Game+ file.
- Like the Taranis, the Belenos was designed to be operated by particular pilots. These pilots were to be pseudo-hybrids, based on the cyborg hybrids created to operate the Titano-Machina. Though they looked like young teenage boys and girls, their information processing and physical abilities were far greater than that of any human. They needed to be, in order to control such massive influxes of information and overcome the extreme tests they were forced through.
- Crusade's genius engineer was an irreplaceable part of the team tasked with creating these "children," and she was eventually made leader of the entire operation.
Crusade Report - 5
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 5 on a New Game+ file.
- As chief lead of the team, the woman followed Crusade's orders and created countless pseudo-hybrids. Many of these creations were taken out of service when control of the Belenos proved difficult during testing, but even as chief of the team, the woman seemingly was not initially made aware of this fact. Once she found out this terrible truth, however, she joined the team and began making adjustments to the Belenos as well, using feedback gained from their efforts to redesign her pseudo-hybrid children.
Crusade Report - 6
- Author: Unknown Crusade representative
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 6 on a New Game+ file.
- At first, the pseudo-hybrids did not express much in the way of emotion. Their reactions to most stimuli were limited at most. However, the newly designed children were nearly indistinguishable from actual human youth. Where before they were identified only by model number, the woman called them each by name now, and did her utmost to engage them in conversation.
- These new children had a normal range of emotions. They would laugh, grow angry, and even cry. And it was with this diverse new range of emotional understanding that they were able to fine-tune the Belenos.
- One day one such child was born, a pseudo-hybrid who was named Jihl.
Records of an Engineer - 1
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 7 on a New Game+ file.
- I sincerely believe in Crusade's mission to bring equality to a world which has been stratified by Juno, but I can no longer endure the number of children sacrificed in development of the Belenos…
- I have secretly altered the priority criteria of the defense AI in Altar. Normally the defenses would protect this facility from any outside threats, but now whenever the Belenos and the children piloting it are present, it should switch priority to keeping them safe.
- This may result in the system working against Crusade by my own hand, but I am ready to accept such a fate. I will do whatever it takes…
Records of an Engineer - 2
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 8 on a New Game+ file.
- Jihl, of all my children, you kept me busiest. You had such an ego, always troubling us with your selfish demands. But perhaps all this explains why you so deftly took control of the Belenos. Your curiosity fostered within you a desire to see the world outside these walls.
- And as I watched, I wanted nothing more than for the Belenos to become the feet by which you traveled, the wings on which you flew as you took to the whole wide world…
Records of an Engineer - 3
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 9 on a New Game+ file.
- We began practical testing of the Belenos. Our results, however, were far from promising. The recreation of Nanometal proved no issue, but we were left with nothing but problems when attempting to recreate life forms.
- Perhaps we are seeing now that none but God can restore life to where it was once lost. But if we can succeed in doing so, we will have finally surpassed Juno technology. (…)
- Despite countless attempts we have yet to fully restore any living organism. At best we have created nothing more than zombies. Mobile, but absent of life or will. Such results are far from what we have set out to accomplish…
Records of an Engineer - 4
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 10 on a New Game+ file.
- Per the results of our final field tests, further development on the Belenos has been called off indefinitely. The machine proved incapable of providing the results we required. All the children sacrificed in our quest for progress were for naught… The only saving grace is knowing that Jihl, who suffered through so much in our tests, will need to suffer no more… (…)
- I received word that Jihl would be deployed to the Taranis. They're planning to use him as energy for the Soul Cannon. The Soul Cannon requires a sacrifice to be fired, but a pseudo-hybrid like Jihl can power it without any loss of life, they tell me. But I ask this: do they truly not know that he will instead be forced to live through pain equivalent to such instead?
Records of an Engineer - 5
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 11 on a New Game+ file.
- Jihl smiled no longer when he returned from the battlefield. Who could? He had been forced to endure the equivalent of death time and time again.
- I can't stand for this anymore. This poor child should never have to suffer death again. This has gone on far too long!
Records of an Engineer - 6
- Author: Female Engineer
- This report is obtained after completing Chapter 12 on a New Game+ file.
- We've just received word that the most terrible of all Titano-Machina, the Vanargand, now has us in its sights. This will surely be Jihl's last deployment, but be that as it may, I will not allow the boy to suffer the Soul Cannon again. I should be the one to suffer for all of this, for all the pain I have imposed on these children.
- So here, in the very end, I will bear this burden. If we lose here today, it can only mean that God has seen fit to punish us for our sins. Jeanne may suffer from what I am about to do, but if such is so, at least Jeanne, Jihl and myself will all leave this world together. Perhaps it is even better that way…
A Man's Quiet Musings
- Author: Unknown
- This report is obtained after receiving the "True End" on a New Game+ file.
- I guess humanity finally found equality, just in total annihilation at the hands of Juno. I really risked it hedging my bets on how far the damage would spread, but it looks like I made the right choice, huh? All my prep out here in this dark, frozen wasteland finally paid off. Now I get to take back everything that was stolen from me.