Enemies/Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2
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General info about each enemy. Photos. A list of attacks every unit uses.
This is a list of enemies that appear in Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2. Many enemies are the remains of Berman Empire mechanzied vehicles reanimated by the Belenos (known as Gheists).
Normal Enemies
Most ghests are the reanmated remains of the previous Enemies in Fuga: Melodies of Steel, but now process zombified names to match their reanimated state.
- Jagdhund ("hunting dog") is now Bastardhund ("bastard dog"), with the mutated Bluthund variation ("bloodhound").
- Eisenfliege ("iron fly") is now Dungfliege ("dung fly"), with the acid-spitting Giftfliege variation ("venom fly").
- Zyklon ("cyclone") is now Blättersturm ("leaf storm"), with the mutated Blutsturm variation ("blood storm").
- Läufer ("runner") and Fähnrich (conflated as "ensign", derived from an older German term meaning "flag-bearer") are now Flüchtling ("refugee" or "fugitive").
- Hornisse ("hornet") is now Dungwespe ("dung wasp"), with the bulb-carrying Blumenwespe variation ("flower wasp").
- Kriegstier ("war beast") is now Wütendtier ("angry beast").
- Schwarm ("swarm") is now Löwenzahn ("dandelion").
- Wächter ("guard") is now Ausrufer ("town crier"). Aside from the Ausrufer retaining its Patrolling Mook role, its bulb-carrying Kurzlebig variation ("short-lived" or "ephemeral") empowers other enemies at the cost of its own existence, while the Fleischer variation ("butcher") is what mutates enemies into stronger, "bloodier" versions of themselves.
- The drill tank Hämmerlinge (presumably a reference to the Meister Hämmerlinge in Germanic mining folklore) is now Wurzelwurm (literally means "root worm", but can be read to mean something like "worming into" or "parasite" in context), with the bulb-carrying Blumenwurm ("flower worm").
- Bleihügel ("lead mound") is now Blühender (an inflection of blühend, "to blossom"), with the mutated Bluthügel ("blood mound").
- Spucker ("spitter") is now Stumpf ("dull" or "flat").
- Lanzierer ("lancer") is now Rostspeer ("rust spear"), with the mutated Blutspeer vartiation ("blood spear").
- Cingeto
- Moricos
- Cingeto Galba
- Moricos Galba,
- S-Cingeto Galba
- S-Moricos Galba
- G-Cingeto Galba
- G-Moricos Galba
- "Galba" itself possibly being a reference to the king of the Suessiones and the commander-in-chief of the Belgian Gaulish forces from the time of the Roman conquest of Gaul. Alternatively, the word "galba" also means "stout" or "fat" in Gaulish, owing to the robots' larger sizes.
- The beetle-like Cingeto robots likely take their name from Vercingetorix, the king of the Arverni who united the Gauls in a failed revolt against Julius Ceasar's Roman forces during the final leg of the Gallic Wars. "Cingeto" itself is an ancient Gaulish word roughly meaning "warrior" or "hero".
- per this French Wiktionary page, however, "moricos" is the Gaulish word meaning "marine", referencing how the Moricos robots resemble octopi or jellyfish in their design.
- Chapter 1, 2, 3 Taranis
- Verschlinger means "devourer".
- Fleischstein means "flesh stone".
- Vordenker means "mastermind" or "thought leader", which doubles as a Punny Name.
- Belenos.
- The boss of Chapter 7 is named Matir, after the Gaulish word for "mother". Made by Crusade
- The boss of Chapter 11 is named Aragne, after the Franco-Provençal word for "spider". Made by Crusade
- The boss of Chapter 12 Vanargand.