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Origin of the term "pseudo-hybrid"?

There have been multiple attempts made to include the term "pseudo-hybrid" into all hybrid related articles and yet no actual cite has been attached to them.

Where did this term originate from? In-game? A specific page of the books? Any actual information is appreciated. Meguumin (talk) 09:47, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply

Both the Solatorobo artbooks (Starlet's World Guide section on the Red Data Children, IIRC) and the files seen in Fuga. Jeanne and Crusade's reports explicitly state that the hybrids Crusade created were "pseudo-hybrids", the latter source being explicit that they were based on hybrids created to control the Titano-Machina. The Solatorobo art books were what originally coined the terms "original hybrid" and "pseudo-hybrid", referring to Baion as an example of the former and the Seven Children as the latter.
The Japanese terms are:
  • Pseudo-hybrid: 疑似ハイブリッド
  • Original hybrid: オリジナルのハイブリッド
BlurryDawgo (talk) 10:13, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply
Where did you get the part about there being separate original hybrid versions of Nero and Blanck? Zoltier (talk) 11:28, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply
They're referred to as「ネロ(オリジナル)」and「ブランク(オリジナル)」in the art books. Daybreak's Back Bone section brings them up (pages 288 and 296) as does Starlet page 179. Baion mentions them by name in the "Ragdoll Elegy" story—he states that "Lemures and Lares still need Nero and Blanck to regularly control them" after Béluga sacrifices Terina to the Rite of Forfeit. Since the story takes place nearly three hundred years before he meets Merveille and they begin their experiments, he can't be referring to the Nero and Blanck we see in the game. BlurryDawgo (talk) 12:45, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply
Will look into this pretty soon, thank you for sourcing the pages.
The only other known time that Nero and Blanck are remade is during Shepherd Report, where data at the Futzu Tower remakes them at a toddler stage. Don't believe any of the Back Bone pages were translated through human effort yet so it will be a bit before we can say this other info is for certain. Meguumin (talk) 13:08, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply
Starlet page 175. BlurryDawgo (talk) 10:13, 16 March 2025 (EDT)Reply