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Hybrids are a group of artificially created or manipulated Felinekos, Caninus, and Humans. They were introduced in Solatorobo: Red the Hunter and were further explored in its novels and subsequent games in the Little Tail Bronx series.



Most advanced hybrids behave no differently to any other natural born person, despite being genetically engineered. There are two main types of hybrids: "original hybrids" and "pseudo-hybrids".[1]

Original hybrids

Artificial beings created by Juno to pilot Titano-Machina or Juno. Their appearance is that of an Old World human, and they have a full degree of power and a far more enhanced physiology compared to that of a normal Old World human.


Artificial beings based on their original counterparts, but created through outside engineering. While not as powerful as the original hybrids, their abilities and senses are still enhanced compared to that of normal Old World humans, Caninus or Felinekos.

The pseudo-hybrids created by Crusade have the appearance of an Old World human child and often lack any significant powers or longitivity.[2]

Pseudo-hybrids created by Baion and Merveille have the base appearance of a Caninu or Felineko though vary greatly in power and origin. While most known pseudo-hybrids from their facility are created in a lab, a few were turned in against their will as young children and put through excruciating experiments that permanently alter their DNA.[3]


Hybrids can appear as normal Old World humans, Caninus or Felinekos. Their ability to function normally varies dramatically, as many experiments would deteriorate and die rapidly while only some could live peacefully despite some complications. Those who aren't so lucky have been known to suffer random bouts of extreme pain, sometimes so much that it could cause vomiting.[4]

The pseudo-hybrids created by Baion and Merveille sometimes have the ability to switch between their normal and Trance forms either on command or unwillingly. Those who change form without control are typically transformed via a trigger or as they near death. Some of these pseudo-hybrids are permanently stuck in their human forms, leading them to cover the majority of their skin and facial features to better blend in with normal civilization. Pseudo-hybrids who can transform willingly tend to stick to one form rather than continuously swap.

Supernatural Abilities

Most Hybrids can exhibit abilities that no other Old World human, Caninu nor Felineko can possess. These include but are not limited to clairvoyance, possession, memory manipulation, sensory-tuning via contact, and enhanced Robo control.


Solatorobo: Red the Hunter

Hybrids as a concept were first introduced in Solotorobo, first being introduced when Baion, Nero, and Blanck are revealed during the events of the game. Baion was originally created by Juno in order to activate the CODA command.

Several other Hybrids named after various colors, known as the Red Data Children, were also created by Merveille Million and Baion.

Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2

Several hybrids were created by Crusade in Old World France in order to combat Titano-Machina. There were created to pilot the Taranis and Belenos, with most dying during the testing of these Pseudo Titano-Machina.

List of Hybrids




Forced Transformation

