Template:Book Infobox

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Template Usage

{{Book Infobox
|title           =
|colors          =
|image           = 
|ja_kanji        =
|ja_romaji       =
|altname         =
|author          =
|illustrator     =
|designer        =
|genre           =
|date            =
|chapters        =
|volumes         =
|pages           =
|isbn            =
|price           =
|publisher       =
|medium          =
|website         = 

Usage notes

  • Japanese name: The book's original title in Japanese
  • Romanized name: The book's Japanese title romanized
  • Author(s): The author(s) of the book
  • Illustrator(s): The illustrator(s) of the book
  • Designer(s): The designer(s) of the book's cover
  • Genre(s): The book's genre(s)
  • Release date: The date the book released
  • Chapters: The number of chapters in the book
  • Pages: The number of pages in the book
  • ISBN: The book's ISBN. Separate ISBNs by line and indicate the country of origin if necessary.
  • Publisher: The book's publisher
  • Medium: The type of book, such as artbook or light novel
  • Website: Website of the book