Template:Character Infobox

From Little Tail Wiki
Revision as of 23:11, 6 March 2025 by Zoltier (talk | contribs)
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Template Usage

{{Character Infobox
|title         =
|colors        =
|image         = 
|ja_kanji      =
|ja_romaji     =
|alias         =
|birthname     =
|etymology     =
|namesake      =
|robo          =
|vehicle       =
|weapclass     =
|age           =
|birthday      =
|death2        =
|gender        =
|height        =
|weight        =
|blood         =
|ethnicity     =
|nation        =
|race          =
|breed         =
|religion      =
|sizes         =
|intelligence  =
|hair          =
|eyes          =
|eyesight      =
|voice         =
|occupation    =
|genre         =
|color         =
|movie         =
|food          =
|actor         =
|actress       =
|animal        =
|tvshow        =
|manga         =
|novel         =
|poet          =
|fashion       =
|flower        =
|musician      =
|song          =
|sport         =
|sportsman     =
|womantype     =
|hobby         =
|likes         =
|dislikes      =
|dislikedfood  =
|goals         =
|fears         =
|hero          =
|residence     =
|major         =
|hand          =
|maritalstatus =
|family        =
|affiliation   =
|status        =
|death         =
|cod           =
|gamedebut     =
|noveldebut    =
|mangadebut    =
|namedebut     =
|seiyuu        =
|voiceactor    =
|bgm           =
|website       =
|signature     =

Usage Notes

  • Title: The title of the article, ie. the name of the character.
  • Japanese Name: The original name of the character, in katakana/hiragana/kanji. Use http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi as a secondhand source for katakana (generally, any decent katakana translation site should work). Type it out in source mode (or simply switch to source mode) for consistency of format; the wiki auto-formats most texts unless stated otherwise. If the name is in kanji, it would be preferable to type it out in katakana until a desirable kanji converter is found.
  • Birth Name: The character's birth name or maiden name, if different from the one they most commonly go by. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Namesake: The character's namesake(s), linking to the corresponding article(s) on Wikipedia. Use {{W|namesake}} for the Wikipedia code. (Keep in mind that this is different from the usual external link for use on pages; it is often advisable to link to Wikipedia unless a video is to be linked to. This may not be applicable for all characters.)
  • Robo: The Robo the character primarily uses. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Vehicle: The vehicle the character primarily uses. Mostly applies to Fuga characters. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Affiliation: Any groups the character is affiliated with.
  • Game Debut: The game in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki if available. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Novel Debut: The light novel/short story chapter in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Manga Debut: The manga chapter in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki. If not applicable, leave blank.

Any information that is unknown or does not apply can be left blank and will not appear.