Flo Financier: Difference between revisions

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m The Cool Cario moved page Fromage to Flo Financier: So her name is always called Flo Financier in the game, but I have made a note in game that her name is Fromage Financier
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Revision as of 09:10, 16 March 2025

Flo Financier (also known as Fromage Financier) is the quest broker of the "Quête" Hunter Guild in Solatorobo: Red the Hunter.


She is a young women that wears a maid outfit as part of her uniform.


Coming soon


Coming soon


  • During early stages of Solatorobo's development, there was an idea to have multiple Fromages throughout Shepherd. This group would have consisted of Fromage, Kuromage, Shiromage, Noromage, etc..
  • The reason for why Fromage is almost always holding her hand up to her ear is because she has a communication device in use. This is never made clear in her final design, though concept art makes the device much more prominent.
  • Her forname "Fromage" is french for Cheese while her surname "Financier" is type of French cake. Both of her names combined spell out "cheese cake".
  • Despite Chihuahuas being presented as the smallest breed in the Caninu breed chart, Fromage stands at an average female human height.

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