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| <pre>
| | {{Character Infobox |
| --+#%%%%%##**=--
| | |title = me irl for real |
| =+#@@@@#%%%%%%%%%%%###%*+=---
| | |colors = |
| =#=+%@@@@%%#*=-----------=*#%%@@@@@%#*+=*+=-
| | |image = [[File:FG-Wappa School DLC a-pose.png]] |
| *#@#%#***+====++***************+++*#@@@@@@@@%#**==
| | |ja_kanji = |
| %#@@@#==-==+*###**++==---------=++*#%#+=+%@@@@@@@@@@%+=
| | |ja_romaji = |
| -###%#*=-=++++++===---------------------=+*****#%@@@@@@@@@@%*++
| | |alias = |
| +*@@#==-=+*#*=----=+*%%%%%##*+=---------------==*##*%@@#*@@@@@@@%*--
| | |birthname = |
| -#@@%*==++**+=--=+*#*+*%%#=::--=++*#*+=------------==+*##%%%==+#@@@@@@#*+ | | |etymology = |
| =+%@#==-+**==---=##+:..:+*-=#######*=:=*#+------------====*###@*-.:+%@@@@@#* | | |namesake = |
| =+#@#===+*+=----=*#=--+##%*-::-*####*#%*--+%*=----------=====+*#%%#=...=#@@@@@#**
| | |robo = |
| %@%+=+*+==-----+*+-*##**%*=::::----=+*@%##*+#=---------====-====+#%%#:...-*%@@@@#*
| | |vehicle = |
| =+@%*=+*+=------=**==%#**##+-::::::::::=**-*#*+#+--------============*%@%=....-#@@@@#+- | | |weapclass = |
| #%@#++**==------=##+*##%#+-::::::::::::+#+.-+##+#=----=================+#%%+....:=@@@@%**
| | |age = |
| +#@%+**+====----=+@#*##**#*=-:::::::::::#+::#@*-.#*=======================*%%+.....:%@@@@#*=
| | |birthday = |
| %%%+#*+===------=+%#*##--::=*+-:::::::::=**=*#+::##*****#**+===============*%#......:*@@@@#*
| | |death2 = |
| @%*#+=======------=%#**%%%+:-%=::::::::::+@@%=::**=-----==*#%#+=============##:.......+@@@@#+
| | |gender = ♀ |
| +%%*+=======--------+#*-:+*++*%=:::-=++==-=*%--*#*++=========+*#%*+=========+##........:+@@@@#==
| | |height = |
| %@%*===========---=+%%@@#-..:=*=-+%@%%%@%%##@@@@@@@@@@@@%#+=====+%@%*=====++%@#:........:+@@@@#%
| | |weight = |
| @@#+=============*##+=-=+***##%%#*=====--+#%%%########++**###*++==*#@%*+++*%@%+.....:-----#%%@@++
| | |blood = |
| %@#============##*=------=*###*#%%%%###%%%###########*+======*#%%#*++%@#*#@@*-..:+#%@@@@@%######=-
| | |ethnicity = |
| *%#+========+*%#=----=+*#*+*#########################*+========+%*##*+%@@@#-.:+#%#*=.....-=+*#*#++
| | |nation = |
| -#@%*++===+#%%+====*##+-:.:+#########################*+========+%+-*@%@@%+..+%#=:............:=%%*-
| | |race = |
| +#@@*+++*@%*===+#%#=.....=*#####%%%%%%%#########%%%%%#*+++====+*%==#%@@@#-#%#-................=*#%=
| | |breed = |
| +*@@@%#@%+==*%#*=-.....-*%%%%*++++++++++++++++++*+=-==+*####***%*=+@%%%%@@*-...................=##
| | |religion = |
| +*@@@@@@%##%#+==-::-+*###*+=+*###%%%#######%%%%%#%%@@%*=--:=+*#%%+-#@%#%@@=:...................:+@
| | |sizes = |
| *#@@@*=#@@%#*=+****+=++****++=------=----:::::::-*%@@%#%%%#*+----:-=@%#%@@=:....................=@
| | |intelligence = |
| *#@@@+=@@###=#%*-::+%@%+=---:::::::::::::::::::-@@+:..:...-#@@@@%**@@%#%@@=::...................-@
| | |hair = |
| ##@@@%%@*##%#+-=*%@@@@%##%%*=::::::::::::::::-*@#**%@@@@@#=:-#@**#%@####%%+-::..................=@
| | |eyes = |
| ##@@@@@@+%#+-=%@@@@@+:....:+@%+::::::::::::::*@%#@@%%%%%%@@-.-@@=-+%#####@%+:::................:=@
| | |eyesight = bad |
| *#@@@@@#++++%@%#%@+:..-====--#%*:::::::::::::=+=%*--*%%%%%@=.:+@+-=@#####%@#+:::.............::-*%
| | |voice = |
| *#@@@@@*=*%@@%=*@%..=#@@@@@@*-::::::::::::::::::%*-=#%%%%%@*-.-@#=-%%#####%@%*-:::::....:::::::*#+
| | |occupation = Site owner |
| *#@@%%@@@@@%%%*#%=.+#%*%%%%@@=:.::::::::::::::::%%%%%%%%#*@+:..=-:-#%###%%#++%%*=-::::::::::-+#%#
| | |genre = |
| =#@@####%%####%#%#..+*=.*%%%%@*-.::::::::::::::::-#%*+*++*%#-..::::-+@%%%@*-::-=*%%%###**###%%@@#+ | | |color = |
| -%@@###########%%#=..*%#*%%%%#@#=::::::::::::::::::-*%%%%%#*:.:::::::=%%@@*:::::::::=+*####%@@@@@*-
| | |movie = |
| =#%#############%*::.+%%*****#@+-:::::::::::::::::::::----:::::::::::-%%%*:::::::::::::::--#@@@@%*- | | |food = |
| #@%#############%*-:::+%%***%@*-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-=@@*-::::::::::::::---=#@@@*+
| | |actor = |
| %@%#############%*-::::-++*+=-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=%@+-::::::::::::::----*@@@%*-
| | |actress = |
| +%%#############%#-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-#=:::::::::::::::=*@*=::::::::::::::----*%@@@++
| | |animal = |
| -*%@%###########%%+::::::::::::::::=*+-:-++*+==+*%+::::::::::::::-+#@%=-::::::::::::::---+@@@@#=-
| | |tvshow = |
| -+@@@@%%%%%%%@@@#--:::::::::::::::#@@@@%*+***#%%:::::::::::::--*@#+%=-:::::::::::::---+@@@@#-- | | |manga = |
| --+%%%@@@@@%+=*%%+--::::::::::::::-+%*+=====*#+:::::::::::-=*%@#%@%=---:::::::::----*%@@@#+
| | |novel = |
| ==+@@@@%-..-%@#=---:::::::::::::-*%%*+*%#=:::::::::---*%%#+=+#%=----::::::-----*@@@@#*- | | |poet = |
| ++%@@@@+:..=*%%+----::::::::::::-=+++-::::::::--=+*%@%#++++*%=-------------=#@@@@#*
| | |fashion = |
| -+#@@@@#-...-*@%%*=-------::::::::::::------=+#%#+-#%#+===*%=------------+%@@@%*== | | |flower = |
| +*@@@@%+:....+#%@@@#+===-----------===+*#%%%*=:::#%*----=#+=---------=#@@@@#*
| | |musician = |
| *#%@@@@%+:....=#%*%@%*##%%#######%%@%#*+=-::::::#%*----=##=-------=#@@@@@*=-
| | |song = |
| *%@@@@%*::*%#==#@#-----===--=#%#*%%%+--::::::#@#-----+%+-----=*@@@@@#=-
| | |sport = |
| -+#%@@@@@%#*==-*%%+------=+#@#*++++#%@%#+=:::#@#-----=#*=--*#@@@@@#+-
| | |sportsman = |
| **%@@@@@@*--+#%#-----+%@%+++++++*##*#%@%##@@%------****@@@@@@#=-
| | |womantype = |
| =+*%@@@@@%#%%%=-=*%@#%%*++++++*##+++*##%%@%=---=*#@@@@@@#*+
| | |hobby = |
| ++#@@@@@@@@%+*%#*++#@*+**#%%@%*++++++*%%=*%@@@@@@@%**
| | |likes = |
| -=**%@@@@@@@@@#####%%%##*++*%#*###%%@@@@@@@@%##+-
| | |dislikes = |
| -+==*%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%#+=+=-
| | |dislikedfood = |
| --=*###%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%%%###+=-
| | |goals = |
| ---=+*#%%+=+====%%#*++=--
| | |fears = |
| </pre>
| | |hero = |
| | |residence = |
| | |major = |
| | |hand = |
| | |maritalstatus = |
| | |family = |
| | |affiliation = |
| | |status = |
| | |death = |
| | |cod = |
| | |gamedebut = |
| | |noveldebut = |
| | |mangadebut = |
| | |namedebut = |
| | |seiyuu = |
| | |voiceactor = |
| | |bgm = |
| | |website = meguu.net |
| | |signature = |
| | }} |
| | |
| | Co-owner of Little Tail Wiki and former co-owner of the Fandom wiki (yuck!). Most of my work is backdoor management and general administration of the site, though I try to help with CSS and formatting when possible. |
Co-owner of Little Tail Wiki and former co-owner of the Fandom wiki (yuck!). Most of my work is backdoor management and general administration of the site, though I try to help with CSS and formatting when possible.